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Our IT Security and Data Protection Courses focus on equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge necessary to safeguard sensitive information and infrastructure. This category offers courses on cybersecurity principles, data privacy regulations, ethical hacking, and more, helping learners develop robust defenses against potential threats.
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Looking for a learning experience that fits your schedule and interests? With flexible online options and expert instructors, you can gain the skills you need at your own pace. Dive into our course catalog today and find the course that’s just right for you!
Experience growth and efficiency with PRINCE2 Training, the globally acknowledged pioneer in professional education.
Pentagon Training Limited, Email:, Phone: 0800 0355 832, VAT Registration No: 652 8880 03, Company registration number: 3011290
PRINCE2®, ITIL®, M_o_R®, MoP®, P3O®, MSP® and MoV® are registered trade marks of AXELOS limited.
All PRINCE2®, ITIL®, M_o_R®, MoP®, P3O®, MSP® and MoV® courses are offered by Pentagon Training Limited.
COBIT® 5 and Agile PM® courses are offered by the Pentagon Training Limited. An accredited training organisation of the APM group ltd.
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